NuValenz Testimonials

We at NuValenz are proud of what we produce and are anxious to share it with the world. Our products are time-tested and people proven. Please, don't take our word for it, listen to the words of those who have tried it and seen the results!
I have been a cosmetologist for the past twenty years using NuValenz products. I'm especially fond of Healthy Hair Skin and Nails, Super Plus and Silver Rain Soap. These products have given me and my children and clients outstanding results, i.e. Healthy Hair Skin and Nails for great for thicker hair, stronger nails; Super Plus is great for energy, strength and weight loss. I'm the mother of six active children and Silver Rain Soap is great for cuts, clean skin, stinky tennis shoes and feet. Silver Rain Soap always to the rescue for Chicken Pox! Put some on the eruptions, thus no itching or scarring. It's great to wash with, especially for acne and skin problems. The list goes on and on! I know NuValenz products are heaven sent for my fast pace of life.
I was introduced to NuValenz products at our local gym in Washington, Utah. I had some physical issues from past athletic sport injuries that created the negative pains. In younger years I played soccer and have suffered from knee damage, and shoulder injuries. When I learned of these products I believed, and the rest is history. I will never be out of these products, for I am now pain free.
In my younger years, my feet were crushed and had to have pins in them. I am now ninety plus years and have had many issues with my feet. Serious infection with the pins coming out of my feet. My daughter introduced me to Silver Rain Soap. Please note my feet and legs were turning black, yes I had a serious infection. Soaking my feet in Silver Rain Soap stopped my infection issues and they then returned to their normal color and was healed.
I recently started using NuValenz products introduced to me by my neighbor. The results have been amazing in just a short period of time. I am feeling better and losing pounds. I am looking forward to my new self!
Just started NuValenz products on Saturday. Friday, my Mom told me to cancel my doctors appointment and wait for my shipment. The same day after taking the product I feel 100% better! Thanks Mom!
I have been using NuValenz products for years, recently Arthur introduced me to NuValenz Minerals which contains 72 trace minerals plus other vitamins. The results have been outstanding. I tried not using the Minerals for thirteen days, I cannot go without them! With the Minerals I am pain free! Thank You!
I work out at our local community center usually six days a week and have been using NuValenz products and enjoy the results!